Saturday, December 21, 2019

Parenting Goals: Living Arrows

Psalm 127:3-4 Children are a gift from God, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are your children ...” 

So many people, myself included in the past, view children as burdens not blessings. To paraphrase quote Francis Chan “most parents are carrying around sticks -they aren’t sharpening their kids into arrows” 

Warriors of old when the Bible was written would have had to handcraft each arrow with the greatest attention of detail to the weight, sharpness and , angle -otherwise the arrow would not shoot straight, if the enemy was missed by the archers , the entire foot army was vulnerable going into battle. 

As a result we have been exploring different avenues and approaches to education. We have homeschooled, taken on a Montessori approach and have connected to a private Christian school in the area. And the reason is simply this: I want our home to be a launching pad the shoots arrows of light and love straight into the heart of the enemy and the darkness of the world. I don’t want to protect them, I’m not scared of public school or secular education. I feel a burning conviction that for me to be a successful "archer"  I must slow down, make the time and take the time to CRAFT & train "my arrows". I'm trying to follow the Holy Spirit's leading in knowing each one of my children fully and wholly  so I can equip and support them to do what they were created to do.

 IN THIS SEASON - I feel that I am to pour myself out for my children so that they fly true and straight in a world of conformity and confusion. Will I homeschool for life ? Who knows? I’m not against it, I’m not for it - my priority is to raise up world changers and I’m committed to taking care of myself, home and them so I can finish the race I now see & know God has set before me. 

#intentionalparenting #livingarrowsacademy#homeschooling #takingtheleap#raisingworldchangers #momsofinstagram#momblogger #calledqualifiedequipped#livingarrows #warriormommy #embracingthecall

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